Listing 2 Create the CACHEFILE parameter for a date
# Creates a list of CACHEFILE parameters that can be substituted into
# the Analog Config File. A CACHEFILE parameter is created naming the specific
# cache file for the virtual host and date
sub createCacheFileStr {
my ($path, $vhost, $from, $to) = @_[0..3];
my $cachefilestr;
my @date_list = getDateRangeArray($from, $to);
# Creates the parameter for every date in the array
for my $date (@date_list) {
my ($year, $month, $day) = split /-/, $date;
if ( length($cachefilestr) != 0) { $cachefilestr .= "CACHEFILE "; }
$cachefilestr .= "$path/$vhost/$year/$month/${date}.cache\n";
return $cachefilestr;
# Creates an array of all dates between From ($_[0]) and To ($_[1])
sub getDateRangeArray {
my ($from_yr, $from_mt, $from_day) = zeroPadDate(split /-/, $_[0]);
my ($to_yr, $to_mt, $to_day) = zeroPadDate(split /-/, $_[1]);
my @local_date_list;
($to_yr, $to_mt, $to_day) = zeroPadDate(
Add_Delta_YMD($to_yr, $to_mt, $to_day,0,0,1)
while ( !($from_yr == $to_yr && $from_mt == $to_mt && $from_day == $to_day )) {
push @local_date_list, "$from_yr-$from_mt-$from_day";
($from_yr, $from_mt, $from_day) = zeroPadDate(
Add_Delta_YMD ($from_yr, $from_mt, $from_day, 0, 0, 1));
return @local_date_list;
# All month and day strings must be two characters.
sub zeroPadDate {
my ($year, $month, $day) = @_[0..2];
if ( length($month) == 1 ) { $month = '0' . $month; }
if ( length($day) == 1 ) { $day = '0' . $day; }
return ($year, $month, $day);