Cover V12, I06

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Sendmail Source Installation

Download the latest sendmail source tar at:
The latest release, as of this article, is 8.12.9. Untar:

# tar xzf sendmail-8.12.9.tar.gz
Sendmail does not support milters by default, so you must create the file devtools/Site/site.config.m4 and add the following lines:

dnl Milter
APPENDDEF('conf_sendmail_ENVDEF', '-DMILTER')
Cd to the sendmail directory and run the build script:

# cd sendmail
# sh Build
# sh Build install
Copy in a few things from the sendmail compile. Your obj* directory may differ depending on your kernel version and architecture, so substitute the appropriate values:

# mkdir -p /usr/local/include/sendmail
# cp -R include/* /usr/local/include/sendmail
# cp -R sendmail/*.h /usr/local/include/sendmail
# cp obj.Linux.2.4.7-10.i686/*/*.a /usr/local/lib