The smokeping Configuration Script
The configuration script for smokeping contains the following
General: The General section defines the directory and file locations
for rrdtool data, images, sendmail, and smokemail. Email addresses
and URL information are also specified in this section. Many of
these configuration values are mandatory for the operation of smokeping.
It will not work correctly if they are not changed to match your
specific configuration.
Database: The Database section defines how often smokeping will
poll a device in seconds (step) and how many attempts will be made
during that poll period (pings). The default ping setting is to
send 20 requests at a step rate of 300 seconds (5 minutes). Smokeping
not only records the round-trip latency for each request, but also
records whether a request was lost. The rrdtool database is defined
here as well. This informs RRD of how it should store and consolidate
the data over time.
Presentation: The Presentation section is used to specify the
sizes of the overview and detail graphs. It also controls the ranges
for each of the details graphs in hours or days. The default settings
for the four detail graphs are: 3 hours, 30 hours, 10 days, and
400 days. These can be change to meet your needs.
Probes: Smokeping doesn't provide any tools for probing the
network services to determine latency. The external applications
like fping and echoping are defined here. The full path to each
binary is specified for the smokeping application to use for each
probe type: ping, http, https, and smtp.
Targets: The Targets are the devices and servers to monitor for
latency by smokeping. The targets are organized into sections in
a hierarchical order. Each section starts at level 1 with a single
plus (+) sign and the section name. A menu name and title can also
be defined for this level and higher levels. Using additional plus
signs delineates higher levels. The probe is configured for each
section at either level 1 or level 2. It references the probe defined
in the probe section of the configuration file. It also defines
in more detail about how the probe is supposed to work for this
section. The target host can be defined at any level for smokeping
to obtain the latency information. The host can be specified as
an IP address or as a hostname.