Listing 6 URLSnarf parsing script
use DBI;
use POSIX;
use Getopt::Std;
use Sys::Syslog;
# ------ Configurable constants -------------------
$sniffer = "/usr/local/sbin/urlsnarf -n";
# get commandline options
my %option= ();
getopts("dv?h:", \%option);
printusage() if $option{h} or $option{'?'};
if ($option{d}) {
# go into daemon mode
# fork once, let the parent exit
my $pid = fork;
exit if $pid;
die "Couldn't fork: $!" unless defined($pid);
# disassociated from our controlling terminal
POSIX::setsid() or die "Can't start a new session: $!";
# run sniffer program read its output into the filehandle SNIFFER
open (SNIFFER, "$sniffer |") or fatalerror("Couldn't exec sniffer program $sniffer:$!\n");
# open the database
my $dbh=DBI->connect("DBI:Pg:dbname=$database;host=$host",$dbusername,$pw);
fatalerror("Unable to connect: $DBI::errstr\n") unless (defined $dbh);
my $sth = $dbh->prepare("INSERT INTO traffic (firewall,datetime,sourceip,domain,url) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?)");
#Read each record
while (<SNIFFER>) {
# Dsniff returns http request information in the Extended Common Log Format
# used by many web servers.
# ECLF format ( consists of space
# delimited fields as follows:
# remotehost rfc931-ident authuser [date:time timezone]
# "method requested-url protocol" status bytes "referer" "user_agent"
my ($client, $date, $time, $url) =
(/^(\S+) # remotehost source IP address
.*? # rfc-931 ident username
# http auth username (folded these into one...)
\[([^:]+):(\d+:\d+:\d+) # date, time
\s+([^\]]+)] # timezone
\s+"(\S+)\s+(.*?)\s+(\S+)" # method, url, protocol
\s+(\S+) # http response code (status)
\s+(\S+) # bytes transfered
\s+"(.*?)" # referrer
\s+"(.*?)" # user agent (browser)
my ($hostname, $path) = $url =~ m#http://(.*?)(/.*)$#;
my $datetime = "$date $time";
my $result = $sth->execute($firewall,$datetime, $client, $hostname, $path);
fatalerror("Unable to perform INSERT:$DBI::errstr\nurlsnarf = $_\ndatetime = \
$datetime\nsourceip = $client\ndomain=$hostname\nurl = $url\n") \
unless (defined $result);
sub printusage {
print <<"END";
$0: Runs a the sniffer program ($sniffer). Logs http traffic information to a database.
Usage: $0 [OPTION]... [DEVICENAME]
-d Became a daemon (run in the background)
-h or -? Command line help (this screen)
sub fatalerror {
my $message = shift;
openlog($0, "nowait", "daemon");
syslog("warning", "%s\n",$message);