Cover V12, I09

Listing 1
Listing 2a
Listing 2b
Listing 3
Listing 4
Listing 5
Listing 6


Listing 3 RCCFG script

##### file name: rccfg
##### purpose:    Runlevel tool used my sys admin to manage runlevel rc scripts 
#####         secured version 1.3     
##### author: BJM 07/25/03
use strict;  use File::Basename; 
##################Global Vars #########################
################# Config File #########################
my $gscripts; my $lscripts; my $stlink; my $stplink; my $rclog; my $secaccess; 
read_cfg(); ### Go read config file and get parms 
my $command=basename($0); chomp($command); 
my $secfile="$secaccess/$command.access"; 
################# Config File #########################

my $host=`hostname -s ` ; chomp($host); 
my $ldate=`date +%m_%y`; chomp($ldate);
my $rccfglog="$rclog/rccfglog.$ldate"; ## command log file  
my @srchlist=(); ## Global link name 
my $parms=join("",@ARGV);
my $comn; my $appn; 
my $valid="start stop list all status build noauto"; 
my $appaccess; ## for use with secured ver filled from /etc/<basename>.access 
################## End Global Vars #########################

######################### MAIN 
chk_input();                      ### chk input parms 
if ( $comn=~/build/ix ) { bld_links();}    ### Create links  
elsif  ($comn=~/noauto/ix) { 
    noauto("$stplink"); }         ### remove links 
elsif ($comn eq "list") {list_apps();}  ### List All Applications  
else { rc_std(); }             ### start,stop,status calls 
############################ MAIN 

sub rc_std {
    ### Mimic Standard rc 
    ### local Vars
                my $comm; my $item; 
        ### local Vars
    ## load list of scripts into array of srchlist
    if ($appn eq "All") { mappn("All") ; ## Load all scripts 
    } else { mappn("$appn"); }         ## Load specific script 
    ####################################### send task to script list 
    while(@srchlist) { 
        $comm="$stlink\/$item $comn"; 
        #print "$comm echo \n"; 
sub rm_links { 
    ### To Remove lnks
    ### local Vars
        my @line=();  my $comm; my $file;  
        my $target=$_[0]; 
        ### local Vars
    if (!($target=~/\//)) { die "you did not submit a removal directory ";}
    ## remove all links prior to rebuild 
      opendir( lstdir, $target);
           while( defined ($file = readdir lstdir)) {
        if (($file=~/^S/) || ($file=~/^K/)){ 
            $comm=" rm $target\/$file ";
            print " Removing $comm \n"; 
sub list_apps { 
    ### To list all Application Names 
    ### local Vars
    my @applist; my @appname; my $temp; 
    ### local Vars
    mappn("All"); ## go get all link names 
    @applist=@srchlist; # filled by mappn
    print "Runlevel Application Listing for Node $host \n"; 
    print "\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-";
    print "\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\n";
        print "     Application \-\> $appname[1] \n"; 
    print "\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-";
    print "\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\n";
sub bld_links { 
    ### remove and recreate links in $stlink and $stplink 
    ### local Vars
        my $startlnk; my $stoplnk; 
        my @line=();  my $comm; my $file;  
        my $torder; my @korder; my @tmplist; my $inc=1; my $pinc; 
        ### local Vars
    ## remove all links prior to rebuild 
    ## remove all links prior to rebuild 
    opendir(lstdir,$lscripts) || die " cant open local directory ";
        while(defined ($file = readdir lstdir)) {
                if ($file=~/^S/){
                        print " making Start Link ln -s $lscripts\/$file  $startlnk\n";
                        system("ln -s $lscripts\/$file  $startlnk");
    @korder= sort @tmplist; ## sort for the kill order and create $inc    
        opendir(lstdir,$lscripts) || die " cant open local directory ";
        while(@korder) {
            if ($inc < 10 ) { 
            } else { $pinc=$inc; }  
                        print " making Stop Link ln -s $lscripts\/$torder $stoplnk \n";
                        system("ln -s $lscripts\/$torder  $stoplnk");
    print " Finished Removing/Restoring runlevel Links \n"; 
sub noauto { 
    ### remove start link 
    ### local Vars
    my $comm; my $file;  
        my $lnkdir=$_[0];   
        ### local Vars
    if (!($lnkdir =~ /\//)) { die " sent invalid dir to noauto " } 
    ## Removing one or all links for an application 
            while( defined ($file = readdir lstdir)) {
        if(($appn=~/All/m)  && (($file=~/^K/)||($file=~/^S/))) { 
            ## removing all links .. 
            print " Removing all Startup links $comm \n"; 
            system("rm $comm");
        } else { 
            #starting search 
                if (($file=~/$lnkdir\/S/ix ) || ($file=~/\.$appn\./m )) { 
            ### checking that its the start script 
            print "Removing Startup link $comm \n"; 
                        system("rm $comm");
sub mappn {  
    ### Match App Name called to push filelist on Array from Search strings 
    ### local Vars
        my $comm; my $match=$_[0]; my $file;  my $patt;
    my @tmplist=(); 
        ### local Vars
        opendir( lstdir, $stlink ) || die " Failed to lstdir $stlink "; 
        while( defined ($file = readdir lstdir)) {
                if (( $file=~/^S/x) && ( $file=~/\.$match\./x) ){
                } elsif (( $match eq "All" ) &&  ( $file=~/^S/) ){ 
    ## Check to make sure we found a start script  
    if (!($patt=~/S/)) {print "\n\n Failed to Match an Application Name\n"; die Usage();} 
    ## create ordered srchlist for return 
    @srchlist= sort @tmplist ; 
sub chk_input {  
    ### local Vars ###########################3 
    my $date=`date +%D-%T`; chomp($date); 
    my $host=`hostname -s ` ; chomp($host); 
    my $report="$date $0 @ARGV"; 
    ### local Vars ########################### 
    ## If list is not in $parms then normal parm check
    if ( $parms !~/list/i) {  
        ## Check for command parms #'s then validity 
        if ((!($ARGV[0])) || (!($ARGV[1])) || ($parms=~/\-h/x) || \
($parms=~/all/x) || ($parms=~/\?/x )) { die Usage(); } ## Check for command parms if ( (!($valid =~/$ARGV[0]/x)) && (!($valid =~/$ARGV[1]/x)) ){ die Usage(); } ## set the command name and app name parm ## if ( $valid =~/$ARGV[0]/x ) { $comn =$ARGV[0]; $appn=$ARGV[1];} else { $comn=$ARGV[1] ; $appn=$ARGV[0]; } if(($comn=~/build/m) && ( $appn !~/All/)) { die Usage(); } ## make sure they want to rebuild } else { $comn="list"; $appn="All"; } ########### Security Access Check ####################################### if (($0 !~/rccfg/) && ( $parms !~/list/i)) { ### Read in security file if neccesary rsecfile("$secfile"); if( ($appaccess !~/$appn/) && ($comn !~/status/) ) { $report="$date $0 @ARGV FAILED FOR ACCESS AND LOGGED " ; record("$report"); die &Usage("F"); ## send die access msg } } ########### Passed Access Check ####################################### ## Passed check log the command send to rccfg in /stats/hostname record("$report"); } ############################################################ sub rsecfile { ## Security sub used for secured version only ##local Var my $fname="$_[0]"; chomp($fname); my @temp; ##local Var open(fin,$fname) || die " Secured Application Authorization file $fname does not exits \n"; while (<fin>) { if (!(/^\#/)) { @temp=split; $appaccess="$appaccess $temp[0] "; } } close(fin); } ############################################################ sub Usage { ### generic Usage for secured and unsecured version ###localVar my $secure; my $access; if ($_[0]) { $access="$_[0]"; ## should be "F" } else { $access="T";} ###localVar ##Check if this is a secured version or not if ($0 !~ /rccfg/ ) { $secure="T" } system("clear"); print <<EOF ; *\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\* EOF if (($secure eq "T") && ($access eq "F" )) { print "UNAUTHORIZED APPLICATION ACCESS --\n"; } print <<EOF ; $0 <app name > < command > $0 <command> <appname> Valid commands: start <appname> = Call link for appname startup stop <appname> = Call link for appname stop status <appname> = Call link for appname status noauto <appname> = Remove startup link for an application noauto <appname> = Remove startup link for an application build All = Refresh/Recreate all Runlevel links from local dir The "All" appname is req and case sensitive list = Lists all local Runlevel Application Names Valid appnames EOF if ($secure eq "T" ) { print "$appaccess "; } else { print <<EOF ; <appname> = Pattern to match <full field will be matched, case sensitive > All = Run the command for all, case sensitive EOF } if (($secure) && ($access eq "F" )) { print "\n\n---UNAUTHORIZED APPLICATION ACCESS WAS RECORDED----\n"; } print <<EOF ; *\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\* EOF exit; } ########################################################### sub record { ### record valid commands to log file ### local Vars ###########################3 my $msg=$_[0]; #$rclog is our log file if (!( -d ("$rclog"))) { die "$rclog does not exist ABORT"; exit :} open(record,">>$rccfglog"); print record "$msg \n"; close(record); } ############################################################ ############################################################33 sub read_cfg { # Read in Global variables #my $gscripts; my $stlink; my $stplink; my $rclog; my $lscripts; my $secaccess; ##########################Local Vars my $match="gscripts lscripts stlink stplink rclog secaccess "; ## required parm list my @mlist=split(" ",$match); my @line; my %rparm; my $key; my $parm; my $config_file="/etc/rccfg.config" ; ###########################################3 open(fin,"cat $config_file \| grep -vE \"^\\#\" |") || die " Config file $config_file is not present -- \n"; ## Read config into hash while (<fin>) { chomp; if ((/[a-z]/i)) { # Allow for blanks @line=split(/ /); if ($match =~/$line[0]/) { $rparm{$line[0]}=$line[1]; } } } close(fin); ####Setting Parms for $key (keys %rparm) { #print " $key -> $rparm{$key} \n"; if ($key eq "gscripts") {$gscripts=$rparm{$key}; } elsif ($key eq "lscripts") {$lscripts=$rparm{$key}; } elsif ($key eq "secaccess") {$secaccess=$rparm{$key}; } elsif ($key eq "stlink") {$stlink=$rparm{$key}; } elsif ($key eq "stplink") {$stplink=$rparm{$key}; } elsif ($key eq "rclog") {$rclog=$rparm{$key}; } else { print " Invalid parm in config file $key ignored \n"; } } #####checking for all config variables foreach $parm (@mlist) { if ($rparm{$parm} =~/[a-z]/i) { #print " $parm -> $rparm{$parm} is valid \n "; } else { die "ERROR $parm is not valid and is required in rccfg.config file ERROR";} } } ### end sub read_cfg ############################################################