Listing 1 Sample configuration file included with nmap-audit
######### nmap-audit config options
## IPS scanning definitions ##
ips =
## report mailing info ##
email-to = [email protected]
email-subject = Host Vulnerability Scanning Results
email-from = [email protected]
## The maximum number of nmap threads to be run
## simultaneously. Please begin this with a small
## number and slowly increase it to keep your machine
## from getting overwhelmed from too many processes
max-threads = 20
## The level of detail to report. Either low, medium, or high ##
detail = low
## nmap command to be run. Note that appended to this
## is the option to direct the output to a human readable
## file. Therefore, using the '-oN filename' option will
## not work in conjunction with the nmap-audit script ##
#nmap = nmap -sS -sU -v -O -T Polite -p 1-1024 # TCP and UDP scan
nmap = nmap -sS -v -O -T Polite -p 1-1024 # TCP scan
## base directory name where all scanning data will be
## stored. To this name the date of the scan and a
## sequence number will be appended to prevent multiple
## scans on the same day from overwriting data. Use the
## complete path if executing via cron.
dir-name = example
######### ignore options
## Group of all microsoft operating
## systems
group windows
os = Windows
## RPC/DNS Administration ##
ignore = open 135 loc-srv tcp
ignore = open 135 loc-srv udp
## systems management over UDP ##
ignore = open 137 netbios-ns udp # wins
ignore = open 138 netbios-dgm udp # netbios datagrams
ignore = open 139 netbios-ssn tcp # netbios datagrams
## Direct hosting of SMB over TCP/IP ##
ignore = open 445 microsoft-ds udp
ignore = open 445 microsoft-ds tcp
end group windows
## Group that contains all unix hosts
group unix
os = Linux Kernel 2.4.0 - 2.5.20
os = Solaris 2.6 - 2.7 with tcp_strong_iss=2
os = Solaris 2.6 - 7 (SPARC)
os = Solaris 8 early access beta through actual release
os = Solaris 9 Beta through Release on SPARC
ignore = open 22 ssh tcp # SSH
end group unix
## group that matches all hosts.
## place most general rules here
group all
hostname = *
ignore = filtered * * *
ignore = closed * * *
end group all