It Yourself with the Shell
Ed Schaefer and Michael Wang
Handy Unix tools such as Perl, awk, sed, and grep are frequently
used to solve programming problems, while the shell may be overlooked
as a problem-solving tool. Most of us garner Unix knowledge by learning
Unix commands and, to the uninitiated, shell programming is just
chaining a series of commands together. As a command interpreter,
the shell does not distinguish its built-in commands from external
commands; you do not call external commands using a function as
Perl's system() function. Using the shell over an external
tool is analogous to performing a task yourself versus hiring somebody
else to do it. Provided you have the knowledge and experience, it's
generally better to do it yourself.
This article presents "do it yourself" techniques in
shell using real-world examples -- examples gathered from printed
material, USENET postings, and our own work. In this article, we
contrast standard Unix tool solutions with corresponding shell solutions
and compare the different approaches. We present 13 specific sample
problems with corresponding solutions within 5 broader technique
categories. The techniques considered are: parameter expansion and
positional parameters, pattern matching, while-loop, shell arithmetic,
and file and process operations.
All of the shell solutions were tested using bash 2.x and ksh93.
Most of them work under ksh88 unaltered or with minor modification;
however, we did not purposefully twist the code to work under ksh88.
Major commercial Unixes (e.g., Solaris, AIX, HP-UX) ship with ksh93.
Recent versions of ksh93 and bash are available via open source
licenses. When we refer to portability, we mean portability across
different platforms, not across different shells.
Technique: Parameter Expansion and Positional Parameters
Problem 1: Find Year, Month, Date from String
Consider the string i="2003-07-04" in the format of
YYYY-MM-DD. Find the year, month, and day. Here are two possible
awk solutions (Examples 1a and 1b):
set -- $(echo $i | awk '{gsub(/-/, " "); print}')
set -- $(echo $i | awk -F- '{print $1" "$2" "$3}')
# Your Unix variant might require nawk
And, here are two sed solutions (Examples 1c and 1d):
set -- $(echo $i | sed "s/-/ /g")
set -- $(echo $i | sed "s/\([0-9]*\)-\([0-9]*\)-\([0-9]*\)/\1 \2 \3/")
Two possible Perl solutions (Examples 1e and 1f) are as follows:
set -- $(echo $i | perl -pe "s/-/ /g")
set -- $(echo $i | perl -ne "print(STDOUT join(' ', split(/-/)))")
There are also many shell solutions, and we will show four separate
ones. The first one (Example 1g) looks like this:
set -- $(IFS=-; echo $i)
This solution is similar to Examples 1b and 1f. Inside, the subshell
"$(...)" assigns field separator variable IFS to "-"
and expands "$i" into three fields. The built-in set shell
assigns the objects into positional parameters $1, $2, and $3, which
are year, month, and day.
The use of "subshell $(...)" localizes IFS to the subshell
environment, for the purpose of $i expansion. IFS is not affected
in the parent shell environment.
echo works in our example because the string in $i
is known. In general, it may contain a space or other shell special
character. The following shell command takes care of these (Example
eval set -- $(IFS=-; printf '"%s" ' $i)
However, if this looks complicated, use the more straightforward approach:
set -- $i
Here is the second shell solution (Example 1i):
set -- ${i//-/ }
This solution is similar to Examples 1a, 1c, and 1e, which replace
every occurrence of "-" with a space, and set the expansion
parameters. This solution does not work if $i contains a space.
In that case, use:
eval set -- \"${i//-/\" \"}\"
Most of the time, we know our data structure, so the above (complicated)
command is not necessary. For clarity, we do not use this general
form of command in the rest of article.
The third shell solution (Example 1j) looks like this:
"%" and "%%" remove the smallest and largest pattern
matched from right side, and "#" and "##" remove
from the left side. The sed equivalents are as follows (Example 1k):
year=$(echo $i | sed "s:-.*$::")
month=$(echo $i | sed "s:^[^-]*-::")
month=$(echo $month | sed "s:-[^-]*$::")
day=$(echo $i | sed "s:^.*-::")
This method is useful when a variable does not contain a separator.
For example, $i is of the form of YYYYMMDD. In this case, we
just need to slightly change the shell construct to the following
(Example 1l):
To be more precise, replace "?" with [0-9].
Using the original format, YYYY-MM-DD, the fourth shell solution
(Example 1m) is probably the most straightforward solution, if the
exact position of the data is known:
which corresponds to:
year=$(echo $i | cut -c1-4)
month=$(echo $i | cut -c6-7)
day=$(echo $i | cut -c9-)
Problem 1: Discussion
As shown in these examples, the shell provides multiple ways to
do the string manipulation. There is no reason to use sed, awk,
or Perl to perform this function. The shell solution is preferred
for independence and efficiency. We do not need to worry about PATH,
tool availability, and tool behavior on different platforms.
Performance can be an issue when using external commands --
especially in a loop. Suppose you need to process a large file,
editing data in each line. The time saved using the shell over other
tools may be significant.
Problem 2: File System Usage
Parse df -Pk /usr output, and find the usage percentage.
The -P implies the POSIX output format. The POSIX-compliant
command under Solaris is /usr/xpg4/bin/df. Example 2a shows
an awk solution:
# may require nawk under Solaris 7 & SCO Open Server V
df -Pk /usr | awk '!/^Filesystem/ {sub(/%/, ""); print $5}'
Here is a sed solution (Example 2b):
df -Pk /usr | sed -n '/^Filesystem/!s/.* \ \([0-9]\{1,\}\)%.*/\1/p'
We can also solve this with Perl as follows (Example 2c):
df -Pk /usr | perl -pe "BEGIN { $/ = '' } s/.*\s([0-9]+)%\s.*/\$1\n/s"
This solution combines grep, awk, and sed (Example 2d):
df -Pk /usr | grep -v "^Filesystem" | awk '{print $5}' | sed "s:%::"
Note that the two shell techniques introduced in Problem 1 can be
applied here. Here is one possible shell solution (Example 2e):
set -- $(df -Pk /usr); echo ${12%\%}
This solution should work on all native Unix systems, but UWIN, a
Unix environment running on Microsoft Windows, fails since that file
system name has an extra space:
$ df -Pk
Filesystem Kbytes Used Avail Capacity Mounted on
C:\Program Files\UWIN 4000153 3868891 131262 97% /
where C:\Program Files\UWIN is considered as two fields.
A second shell solution (Example 2f) is as follows:
(IFS=%; set -- $(df -Pk /usr); echo ${1##* })
This solution works on both native Unix systems and UWIN. It splits
the "df" output by "%", sets the first part to
"$1", removes everything to the last space, and leaves the
percentage number.
Problem 2: Discussion
Example 2f demonstrates simple techniques on this not-so-obvious
case, providing the shortest, quickest, and most elegant solution.
Technique: Pattern Matching
Problem 3: Find Whether $i Is an Integer
To solve this problem, we need to define an integer. If integer
definition is 0 or 1 plus or minus signs, followed by a series of
digits, the phrase can be directly translated to a shell function
(Example 3a):
function is_integer {
[[ $1 = ?([+-])+([0-9]) ]]
Is this function complete? Yes. This function's return code determines
whether the condition is true (0) or false (non zero). We can use
the function like this (Example 3b):
is_integer $i && echo "yes" || echo "no"
This function thinks example data "-1e2" and "0xff"
are not integers. This may be the exact requirement. For example,
the script asks the user to input a date in YYYYMMDD format, and checks
whether the entered string is an integer before further processing.
However, if decimal and scientific notation are accepted, Bolsky
and Korn provide a more generic solution in their book The New
KornShell Command and Programming Language (Example 3c):
case $1 in
( ?([-+])+([0-9])?(.)*([0-9])?([Ee]?([-+])+([0-9])) )
return 0;;
( ?([-+])*([0-9])?(.)+([0-9])?([Ee]?([-+])+([0-9])) )
return 0;;
*) return 1;;
Examples 3a and 3c use extended pattern matching operators, which
are not enabled by default in bash. To enable the extended pattern
matching, use:
shopt -s extglob
In the rest of article, we assume the extended pattern matching is
It happens that the external command expr, which evaluates
arguments as an expression, only accepts integers as a series of
digits. This is a tool solution (Example 3d):
function is_integer {
expr "$1" + 0 > /dev/null 2>&1
However, if expr ever becomes smarter and handles floating-point
numbers, scientific notations, and hex numbers, this solution will
not work as planned.
We can use regular expressions used by grep -E (Example
function is_integer {
printf "%s\n" $1 | grep -E "^[+-]?[0-9]+$" >/dev/null
And, we can use Perl's regular expressions as follows (Examples
3f and 3g):
function is_integer {
perl -e "\$_ = \"$1\"; /^[+-]?\d+$/ || exit 1"
function is_integer {
printf "%s\n" $1 | perl -e "<> =~ /^[+-]?\d+$/ || exit 1"
Problem 3: Discussion
The shell provides a more direct pattern-matching solution than
external tools. You must either feed the tool's standard input,
or expand it to fit the tool's syntax (Example 3f). Using the
shell eliminates the extra process.
Problem 4: Add a Directory in the PATH
In this problem, we need to add a directory in the PATH if it's
not already in the PATH (path munge). The /etc/profile that comes
with a certain Linux distribution contains this function (Example
pathmunge () {
if ! echo $PATH | /bin/egrep -q "(^|:)$1($|:)" ; then
if [ "$2" = "after" ] ; then
This function checks whether an object already exists in $PATH and,
if not, it adds it to the beginning or the ending of the PATH variable,
depending on $2. We rewrote this typical pattern-matching exercise
as follows (Example 4b):
shopt -s extglob 2>/dev/null
pathmunge() {
[[ $PATH = ?(*:)$1?(:*) ]] && return 0
[[ "$2" = "after" ]] && PATH=$PATH:$1 || PATH=$1:$PATH
This significant change replaces "/bin/egrep" with pattern
matching. The other changes are a matter of style using "&&"
and "||" versus if-then-else.
When running each version of the function 10 times in a ksh93
environment, and using $SECONDS for timing (bash does not support
floating-point arithmetic), the results are:
pattern version: 0.016 seconds
egrep version: 0.542 seconds
The egrep version has other problems. The author of this function
must have worried about PATH, because the path of egrep is
hard-coded. However, egrep is defined in Red Hat 9 as:
exec grep -E ${1+"$@"}
and no path is given to grep. If we use the function to bootstrap
pathmunge /bin
the egrep version fails.
You may think that an easier solution is to use /bin/grep -E
directly instead of /bin/egrep. While this works on Linux,
it produces an error on Solaris:
/bin/grep: illegal option -- E
Usage: grep -hblcnsviw pattern file . . .
The POSIX version of grep on Solaris resides in /usr/xpg4/bin,
not /bin. getconf PATH produces a POSIX-compliant PATH. Since
getconf is not built-in on all shell versions, the PATH for getconf
consists of all the unique paths on which getconf may reside.
In ksh-style functions that support localized variables, you can
do this:
function name {
typeset PATH=$(PATH=/usr/bin:... getconf PATH)
In POSIX-style functions, do this:
function_name() {
PATH=$(PATH=/usr/bin:... getconf PATH)
The extra lines for portability reduce readability and efficiency.
Problem 4: Discussion
A shell program is more portable because it does not depend on
external commands; therefore, we need not worry about the PATH definition.
Besides portability, there is a cost associated with spawning a
process, especially when the process executes often (as in a loop).
While it's not always possible to totally avoid external commands,
make an effort to use available shell resources.
Technique: While-Loop
Problem 5: Get infile
An Oracle SQL*Loader control file looks like the following:
-- This is comment line: Oracle Sql*Loader reads records in infile
-- ANNOTATIONS.dat, separated by <er>, and loads them into table
load data
infile 'ANNOTATIONS.dat' "str '<er>'"
into table ANNOTATIONS
We want to retrieve the file name "ANNOTATIONS.dat" as part
of a larger task. Someone new to shell programming may jump to grep
and other tools within easy reach like this (Example 5a):
cat $file | grep -v -- "--" | grep "infile" | awk "{print \$2}" | \
sed "s:'::g" | head -1
This can also be done without the unnecessary use of cat:
grep -v -- "--" $file | grep "infile" | awk "{print \$2}" | sed \
"s:'::g" | head -1
But, this solution is inefficient. Six tools are used to solve this
problem. A rule of thumb is that when three or more pipes are used,
there's an opportunity for optimization. A more efficient one-tool
solution using awk might look like this (Example 5b):
awk -F\' "/^infile/ {print \$2; exit}" $control_file
A sed solution looks like (Example 5c):
sed -n "1,/^infile/s/^infile[^']*'\([^']*\)'.*$/\1/p" $control_file
And, here is a Perl solution (Example 5d):
perl -ne "s/^infile[^']*'([^']+)'.*/\$1/ && print && last" $control_file
Our first shell solution (Example 5e) uses a new trick -- read
the file line-by-line, and use the previously covered techniques to
process the lines.
while read i; do
[[ $i == infile* ]] && { (IFS="'"; set -- $i; echo $2); break; }
done < $control_file
Here is a second shell solution (Example 5f):
while read i; do
[[ $i == infile* ]] && { i=${i#*\'}; echo ${i%%\'*}; break; }
done < $control_file
Problem 5: Discussion
This example represents a generic problem. You often must read
a file line by line, retrieving some data and making changes to
the current line (or the previous or next line). When many files
need to be processed, we prefer a shell solution. We processed 450
such files using a for loop:
for ctl in *.ctl
On a Sun Fire box with 12 750-MHz CPUs and 12G memory, the timings
for the shell solution (Example 5e) were:
real 0.190
user 0.112
sys 0.073
For the awk solution (Example 5b), they were:
real 6.649
user 0.290
sys 1.022
Using the shell makes a real difference!
Problem 6: Skip head and tail
In this problem, we want to print a file ($file), but skip the
first "$first" lines and last "$last" lines.
In these examples, assume that shell variables "file",
"first", and "last" are predefined such as file="/etc/passwd",
first=2, and last=3.
Many shell programmers will immediately think of the head
and tail commands. Yes indeed, head and tail can do the job.
Here is a three-tool solution (Example 6a):
total=$(wc -l < $file)
(( head = total - last ))
(( tail = head - first ))
(( tail > 0 )) && head -$head $file | tail -$tail
The file is read three times. You can also use sed to replace head
and tail, and reduce the number of passes. Here is a two-tool
solution (Example 6b):
total=$(wc -l < $file)
(( start = first + 1 ))
(( stop = total - last ))
(( total > first + last )) && sed -n "${start},${stop}p" $file
This problem can be solved by sed alone with an advanced sed solution
(Example 6c):
sed -ne :a -e "1,$((first + last))!{P;N;D;}" -e "${first}d;N;ba" $file
We can also solve it using the shell alone, without external tools.
If we translate the sed solution to shell, it would be (Example 6d):
(( a = 0 ))
set --
while IFS= read -r i; do
(( a++ ))
(( a < first )) && set -- "$@" "$i"
(( a == first )) && set --
(( a > first )) && set -- "$@" "$i"
(( a > first + last )) && { printf "%s\n" "$1"; shift; }
done < $file
This solution first reads in lines before the "{first}-th"
line. At the "${first}-th" line, it clears the positional
parameters (pattern space in sed). Then, it reads and holds the "$last"
lines. Finally, it reads in a new line onto the bottom, prints the
line on top, and removes it.
However, the shell has its own idioms, and it does not follow
sed's idiosyncrasies. Here is a simplified version (Example
(( a = 0 ))
set --
while IFS= read -r i; do
(( a++ ))
(( a > first )) && set -- "$@" "$i"
(( a > first + last )) && { printf "%s\n" "$1"; shift; }
done < $file
We can also use a named array without using shift (Example 6f):
(( a = 0 ))
while IFS= read -r i; do
(( a++ ))
(( b = a % last ))
(( a > first + last )) && printf "%s\n" "${L[b]}"
(( a > first )) && L[b]="$i"
done < $file
Problem 6: Discussion
The advantage of this example is its flexibility. The difference
between the tool solution and the shell solution is analogous to
the SQL language (the tool) and the PL/SQL environment (the shell).
With the tool solution, you generally tell the tool what you want
to do, but with the shell solution, you build a step-by-step procedure
for a solution. Because the work is done step-by-step, it is easy
to add new functionality. For example, you can skip certain lines
or calculate line lengths with ease.
Example 6c is the fastest when processing a few larger files,
and the shell solutions are the fastest when processing many smaller
files. If maximum clarity is your goal, then Examples 6a and 6b
are easiest to read.
Technique: Shell Arithmetic
Problem 7: What is Next Month
Given a year and month in YYYYMM format, we need to return the
next month in the same format. Here is a shell solution (Example
function next_month {
typeset ym=$1 y m
(( y = ym / 100 ))
(( m = ym - y*100 ))
(( y += m / 12 ))
(( m = m % 12 + 1 ))
printf "%.4d%.2d\n" $y $m
This example uses only shell arithmetic. Assume the "next_month"
parameter or "ym" is 200307. Since (( y = ym / 100 )
is an integer operation, y is the largest integer not greater than
the division, which is the year, 2003 in this case. This is similar
to the floor() function in SQL.
(( m = 200307 - 2003*100 )) calculates the month, which
is 7. Since (( 7/12 )) is 0, the year is 2003 + 0, which
is still 2003. Only when the current month equals 12 is the year
incremented by 1.
The modulo "%" operator delivers the remainder. This
is similar to the mod() function in SQL. (( 7 % 12 )) is
7, so next month is 7 + 1, which equals 8. When the current month
is 12, (( 12 % 12 )) is 0, so next month is 1. The printf
command delivers the results in the required format.
If the math makes you queasy, use any combination of shell techniques
for "next_month". Without using any external commands,
the function can be rewritten as such (Example 7b):
function next_month {
typeset y=${1%??} m=${1#????}
(( m += 1 ))
(( m == 13 )) && { (( m = 1 )); (( y += 1 )); }
printf "%.4d%.2d\n" $y $m
Using expr (Example 7c):
function next_month {
typeset ym=$1 y m
y=$(expr $ym / 100)
m=$(expr $ym - $y \* 100)
y=$(expr $y + $m / 12)
m=$(expr $m % 12 + 1)
printf "%.4d%.2d\n" $y $m
Using bc (Example 7d):
function next_month {
typeset ym=$1 y m
y=$(print "$ym / 100" | bc)
m=$(print "$ym - $y*100" | bc)
y=$(print "$y + $m / 12" | bc)
m=$(print "$m % 12 + 1" | bc)
printf "%.4d%.2d\n" $y $m
Using GNU date (Example 7e):
function next_month {
${GNU_DATE} -d "${1%??}-${1#????}-01 + 1 month" +%Y%m
Problem 7: Discussion
Generally, in the modern shells, there is no reason to use external
commands such as expr or bc to perform arithmetic.
For complicated date arithmetic, using GNU date or Perl is better
than building the logic yourself using shell. Do what you can, but
don't hurt yourself.
Problem 8: Sum across Rows
Harry Potter, taking a shell class at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft
and Wizardry, posted this problem on He has an
input file like the following:
He writes, "How can I sum the numbers across each row and add
a "total" field to the end of each line?" Example 8a
shows an awk solution:
awk -F"," '/^Date/ {print $0 ",total"}
/^item/ {sum=0; for(i=2;i<=NF;i++){sum+=$i};
print $0 "," sum}' input.txt
Our shell translation is (Example 8b):
while IFS= read -r; do
if [[ $REPLY = "Date"* ]]; then
echo "$REPLY,total"
elif [[ $REPLY = "item"* ]]; then
(( sum = 0 ))
IFS=","; set -- $REPLY; shift
for i; do (( sum += i )); done
echo "$REPLY,$sum"
done < input.txt
We can take advantage of shell idioms, and shorten the code as follows
(Example 8c):
while IFS= read -r a; do
[[ $a = "Date"* ]] && { echo "$a,total"; continue; }
[[ $a = "item"* ]] && {
b=${a#*,}; eval echo "$a,$(( ${b//,/+} ))"
done < input.txt
The parameter operation ${b//,/+}, available in ksh93 and bash
2.x, is equivalent to $(echo "$b" | sed "s:,:+:g").
Problem 8: Discussion
We compared the performance of Example 3c with that of Example
3a on a 300-MHz Intel box running UWIN. We found that ksh93 performs
better for smaller data sets, while awk performs better for larger
datasets. At 200 records, ksh93 and awk break even (0.25 seconds).
Even for 1000 records, the ksh93 program finishes within a second
(0.75 seconds) while awk finishes in 0.35 seconds. Having a pure
shell solution -- especially inside a shell program -- may
outweigh the sub-second loss for moderate-sized files.
For files with millions of records, however, neither shell nor
Unix tools are good solutions. You probably need to load the data
into a database, and process it with SQL. Use the right tools for
the job.
Technique: File and Process Operations
Problem 9: Move All Files Except "old" to "old"
When applied to this problem, the simple command (Example 9a):
mv * old
produces an error:
mv: old: cannot rename to old/old
You could use grep -v (Example 9b):
ls -1 | grep -v "^old$" | xargs -I {} -t mv {} old
Yes, this works, but a shell pattern can be used for path name expansion.
Additionally, pattern matching and substring expansion provide a much
simpler solution (Example 9c):
mv !(old) old
This reads as "move everything that is not old to old".
On rare occasions, this error may happen:
-ksh: /usr/xpg4/bin/mv: cannot execute [Arg list too long]
This error occurs because ksh calls execve() to start the mv
command, and execve() limits its arguments to a size defined by kernel
parameter ARG_MAX, which has default value of 1M on Solaris 8 and
128K on Red Hat Linux 9. A shell for loop solves the problem (Example
for i in !(old); do mv $i old; done
Problem 9: Discussion
Shell patterns can be used in more sophisticated situations. For
example, to uncompress all *.gz files except the following:
you would use:
gzip -d !(FRAMEWORK.dat?|VARHISTORY.dat?|SCENARIOS.dat?).gz
Replace ! with @ if you want only to uncompress these files.
Problem 10: Find Files Created Today
In this problem, we want to find all the files in the current
directory created today. (For simplicity, assume there are no subdirectories.)
For all solutions, we need to create a reference file (Example 10a):
touch -t $(date +%Y%m%d)0000.00 /tmp/timestamp$$
The following solution uses find (Example 10b):
find * -type f -newer /tmp/timestamp$$ -print
Here is a sed solution (Example 10c):
ls -1rt * /tmp/timestamp11354 | sed "1,/timestamp11354/d"
And here is a shell solution (Example 10d):
for i in *; do [[ $i -nt /tmp/timestamp$$ ]] && echo $i; done
Problem 10: Discussion
We can use a combination of tool and shell solutions to solve
problems in more complicated situations. For example:
find . -type f | while read file; do ...; done
As Solaris systems processes are represented in the pseudo file system
/proc, we use the shell operator to compare the timing of two Unix
processes, like:
[[ /proc/$PID1 -nt /proc/$PID2 ]] && { echo "$PID1 is started after $PID2"; }
Problem 11: Test Whether a File Is Empty
The following example is taken from a magazine published by a
commercial database vendor (Example 11a):
v_corruptions="'cat $TMP_FILE | wc -l'"
if [ $v_corruptions -ne 0 ]; then
echo "Data Block Corruptions Occurred."
Since the shell already provides an operator to test for empty files,
the above code can be rewritten as (Example 11a):
[[ -s $TMP_FILE ]] && { echo "Data Block Corruptions Occurred."; }
Besides avoiding starting two commands, the "-s" operator
calls the stat() function retrieving information from the stat structure
without cycling through the file contents, and, therefore, is more
efficient. The ls command does the same, except shell executes
an extra fork() function call.
Problem 11: Discussion
This technique may not make a big difference when the $TMP_FILE
file is small, but we think it is important to habitually use more
efficient solutions.
Problem 12: Check the Existence of a Process
Quite often, we see shell programs like this (Example 12a):
ps -ef | grep ora_smon_$SID | grep -v grep >/dev/null && {
echo "Instance $SID is up."
We can improve the efficiency (Example 12b) as follows:
ps -u$OWNER -f | grep "[o]ra_smon_$SID"
The "-u$OWNER" limits the ps output. The double quotes tell
the shell to pass "[o]" unaltered to grep for interpretation.
The regular expression "[o]" matches "o", but
since the command in the process table is:
grep [o]ra_smon_$SID
it won't match itself. This eliminates the unnecessary grep
Use a more strict expression:
ps -u$OWNER -f | grep "[0-9] ora_smon_$SID"
to make it more unlikely to match itself or other unwanted processes.
Problem 12: Discussion
Some systems (Solaris, Red Hat Linux) provide a pgrep command
that "will never consider itself a potential match", according
to the man page. Use pgrep if portability is not a concern.
Problem 13: Shut Down the Database
We want to gracefully shut down the Oracle database (shutdown_immediate
function). If this does not shut down the database within, say,
five minutes, it kills the shutdown process and issues the forceful
shutdown command (shutdown_abort):
shutdown_immediate & (( BPID = $! ))
(( SECONDS = 0 ))
while (( SECONDS <= ${MAXTIME:-300} )); do
[[ -d /proc/$BPID ]] || break
sleep 1
[[ -d /proc/$BPID ]] && kill -TERM $BPID
[[ -d /proc/$BPID ]] is more efficient than ps -p $BPID,
which potentially executes 300 times inside the while loop. A test
on a Sun Ultra 5 (Solaris 8, 360 MHz CPU, 320M memory) shows running
the [[ -d /proc/$BPID ]] 300 times takes 0.06 seconds, while
running ps p $BPID 300 times takes 34 seconds. The bulk of
the time is consumed in fork() calls. The CPU cycles are better used
Additionally, [[ -d /proc/$BPID ]] && kill -TERM $BPID
is unlikely to produce an error "kill: $BPID: no such process"
than ps -p $BPID && kill -TERM $BPID.
Problem 13: Discussion
In theory, this solution might force a race condition when shutdown_immediate
exists, if its PID is reused by another process within a second.
In practice, the chance of this happening is nil; however, if it
is a concern, check the timestamp and inode number of /proc/$BPID.
Through the problems and solutions presented in this article,
we have shown that shell solutions are often more portable, using
only the shell, you don't need to worry about various tool
availability and behavior. Shell solutions are more efficient --
especially when used within a loop -- and can provide greater
flexibility in solving complex problems when no existing tool fits
the purpose.
We do not advocate replacing Unix tools with the shell, but encourage
you to use tools wisely.
We often see tools overly used when more efficient shell solutions
exist. Although it is a path less traveled, the shell offers power
and advantages over Unix tools.
The code snippets from the following individuals
are used in our examples: Al Sharka and Dan Mercer (Example 2e),
Stephane Chazelas (Example 6c), Charles Demas (Example 8a), Chris
F.A. Johnson (Example 8c). We are responsible for any errors in
the interpretations and modifications.
Bolsky, Morris, David Korn. The New KornShell Command and Programming
Language, 1995. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall PTR.
Dougherty, Dale, Arnold Robbins. Sed & Awk, March 1997.
Sebastopol, CA: O'Reilly & Associates, Inc.
Wall, Larry, Tom Christiansen, and Jon Orwant. Programming
Perl, July 2000. Sebastopol, CA: O'Reilly & Associates,
Michael Wang earned Master Degrees in Physics (Peking) and
Statistics (Columbia). Currently, he is applying his knowledge to
Unix systems administration, database management, and programming.
He can be reached at: [email protected].
Ed Schaefer is a frequent contributor to Sys Admin.
He is a Software Developer and DBA for Intel's Factory Integrated
Information Systems, FIIS, in Aloha, OR. Ed also edits the
monthly Shell Corner column. He can be reached at: [email protected].