It's December, which means we can take a look back at the year
and see how far we've come. Sys Admin has again weathered
some stormy industry lows and fierce economic challenges. Again,
we've watched sister magazines fold and witnessed colleagues laid
off. The fact that it's December, however, also means we can put
this difficult year behind us and look toward the year ahead.
When budgeting and brainstorming for the coming year, the question
is asked whether we must plan to survive or plan to succeed. I vote
for the latter. As the economy recovers, we should all be poised
to take full advantage of it. Operating in survival mode and simply
reacting to crises may be necessary sometimes, but it's also short
sighted. One of the goals of this magazine is to take a longer view
of systems administration and provide tools and information to help
you succeed.
To that end, a couple of specific articles in this issue provide
information on which to build. Cameron Laird begins a series on
Python with an article called "Python in Systems Administration:
Part I -- Better Scripting". In this article, Laird says he finds
Python "so capable and easy to learn" that he tells newcomers it's
the best single language to choose. Within the next several issues,
Laird will support this view by providing an introduction to the
Python language, discussing the "scripting mentality", and presenting
many practical examples of how sys admins can put Python to use.
This issue's short, pull-out Solaris administration supplement
features an article by Justin Buhler and Adrian Cockcroft that provides
tips for doing capacity planning. The authors introduce key principles
and tools (specifically the SE Toolkit and Orca) and show how to
apply those principles and use the tools to obtain a visual representation
of your servers and applications that will give you a better understanding
of the capacity of your system.
Sys Admin is always looking for articles that can help
you tweak your systems, sharpen your scripting skills, and build
a plan to succeed. We're looking for articles on advanced administration
topics, and the issue themes for the next few months include Security,
Performance Tuning, Storage, and Networking. If you have tips for
success in these or other areas, share that knowledge with your
peers through an article in Sys Admin. Please send article
proposals to Sys Admin's managing editor, Rikki Endsley at:
[email protected]. As always, you can send feedback and suggestions
to me at: [email protected].
Sincerely yours,
Amber Ankerholz
Editor in Chief