Capacity Planning for the Masses -- Using the SE Toolkit and Orca
Justin Buhler and Adrian Cockcroft
Capacity planning is often overlooked by systems administrators
until they need to justify additional hardware resources, and that's
the wrong time to start. In this article, Adrian Cockcroft (author
of the Sun Performance and Tuning book) and I intend to show
that starting a capacity plan within your Solaris environment is
not as difficult as it sounds. We will introduce some key principles
for beginning your capacity planning and will show how we applied
those principles and the tools presented in this article during
the Winter 2002 Olympics.
Capacity Planning Principles
The fundamental principle behind any capacity plan begins with
establishing an accurate baseline of your application's behavior
over a period of time that can be easily interpreted. The following
is a breakdown of this idea with the tools we use to achieve the
fundamental principle.
1. A capacity plan starts with accuracy, so use the right tools.
A starting point is to capture accurate system behavior information
by using microstate accounting tools. This means your tools can
harvest the performance data from the system without becoming one
of the performance problems that needs to be investigated. The SE
Toolkit developed by Rich Pettit and Adrian Cockcroft is able to
accomplish this; not only are the access methods very lightweight,
but the interpreter itself is written such that execution speed
is very fast. SE Toolkit is available free from:
2. To make your system easy to understand, break down the system's
By breaking down the system into workload sets, you can intuitively
analyze the machine in terms of categories or "slices of a pie".
This categorizing or slicing is called workload analysis. Because
every system runs a mixture of workloads, you just need to pick
out the relevant processes and then aggregate the results. The rest
is considered overhead of unplanned activity.
The class, which is included in the SE Toolkit
3.3, was written during the Winter 2002 Olympics, to ease the collection
of accurate data about a defined workload set in a single consistent
daily log. This allows you to see what each process or workload
is doing during the given period of time.
3. "A picture is worth a thousand words", so make the raw data
intuitive to understand.
You need to be able to make sense of the data that you are collecting
about your workloads. Looking at thousands of lines of performance
data is not intuitive, even for gurus. Graphing your performance
data gives you the best visual representation of all of those numbers
and is much easier to decipher. One tool that enables this visualization
of your performance data is Orca, which is available from:
The Orca utility is written by Blair Zajac and currently is free.
Orca uses the RRD for plots by Tobias Oetiker, available from:
and allows long-term data views ranging from hours to years. Orca
is also extended to use the SE Toolkit, and a new configuration
file described below adds workload data parsing and
a set of standard plots.
Now, let's apply these principles and tools to a real-world example.
We used these tools to determine the capacity for the Winter 2002
Olympics. To begin, we must clarify the location and the purpose
of each of the tools. They are deployed in the following manner:
- SE Toolkit and are installed and configured
to run on the Solaris systems to be monitored.
- Orca,, and are installed
on the Solaris server, where information is to be centrally collected
and processed.
- The Web server is to be installed on the same server where
the Orca html output is stored. It is only used to serve html,
and no CGI configuration is needed.
Next, we can install the tools on the server to be monitored and
start harvesting our application's stats.
Download and install the SE Toolkit 3.3 from
We will next configure a shell script to capture your system's workloads
using on the host to be monitored. This script
uses environment variables that identify the processes, which make
the different workloads on the system. The environment variables
PW_CMD_WK# -- Filter based on the command name.
PW_ARGS_WK# -- Filter based on the argument strings.
PW_USER_WK# -- Filter based on the user name.
Listing 1 shows an actual example from SLC Sun servers to capture
the workload information from the Winter 2002 Olympic Games. Listings
for this article are available from the Sys Admin Web site
Note that the PW_CMD_3 and PW_USER_3 on lines 5 and 6 have the
same workload number of _3. This is because we can stack variables
and then filter. We are filtering all the Java processes running
as the cis user. Also, the 300 after the on line
14 represents the number of seconds after which the process will
wake up and capture the workload data in a daily log file, located
in the directory as defined by the OUTDIR variable.
An example of the log file created on the system by the
configuration is shown in Figure 1. The file is created daily in
the directory /opt/orca/workload/ with the name of iso-cissvr-001-2002-02-19.
Collecting Data Centrally Using rsync and SSH
The workload data from the servers must be collected centrally
on to the Orca server for processing. In Salt Lake, we used a simple
Perl script using rsync ( and
SSH to read from a file the IP addresses and hostnames of all the
servers from which data needed to be collected. The SSH account
that was used to authenticate needed only read access to the workollator
logs in the directory as defined in the OUTDIR variable in our
script (see Listing 2).
Installing Orca
The next step is to install Orca on a Web server machine. Orca
provides an excellent "Orca installation and configuration guide",
located in the contents of the package, which can be downloaded
Orca needs only to know where the HTML pages are to be stored and
the location of your Web server access log. This information is only
used for the initial installation and can be changed in an Orca configuration
file. The version we are using for our installation is orca-0.27b3.tar.gz.
Introduction to Orca and RRD
Orca is a toolkit that will graph arbitrary data into HTML documents
using PNG or GIF graphics generated from an RRD (Round Robin Database).
RRD is the datastore, or database, that is used to store data in
units. RRD will generate time-defined graphs of the data stored
within the given RRD.
Orca is managed and configured from a single configuration file,
called orcallator.cfg (see Figure 2). The configuration file is
passed to the Orca application, which provides site-specific information,
such as where to go to find the files, the name of the files, and
what type of graphs to plot. The command to run after you have configured
Orca is normally:
#>./orca -v -once ../lib/orcallator.cfg
Figure 3 shows an example of the plot that is defined to generate
the CPU usage of a process.
We have provided a replacement for the orcallator.cfg, called
workollator.cfg, which should be passed to the Orca binary for the
configuration information about how to generate the RRDs and graphs
using the workload files. You must move the workollator.cfg file
to the same location as the orcallator.cfg, which is usually /usr/local/lib.
Next, you must modify the workollator.cfg and give it the relevant
parameters specific to your site.
The following parameters tell Orca where to find or place RRDs
and HTML files, as well as Orca's installation directory. Set these
to the proper places. See Figure 4:
rrd_dir -- Location in which RRD databases should be created
or already exist.
html_dir -- Location to write or update the html files.
base_dir -- Location of the Orca installation.
The regular expression shown in Figure 5 tells Orca where to find
the files and the name of those files to be loaded into RRDs. Note
that there is a bug in the current distribution of the workollator
script, so you need to remove the following line:
<a href="">
Processing the Workload Data
Once all of the workload data has been transferred from the Solaris
servers to the Orca server, we must parse each of the daily workload
logs into individual files per workload. The
script (Listing 3) performs this task. Run this script in the directory
containing all of the workload files. The result should be that
additional directories are created (one for each hosts workload)
under the OUTPUTDIR directory, which each contains log files for
each day.
Examples of the workload directories created on the system by
the configuration are shown below. A daily
log file is created under each of the host-workload directories
under /opt/orca/workload/, with the name of workol-2002-02-19.
#> ls /opt/orca/var/workload
#> ls /opt/orca/var/workload/iso-cissvr-001_java__cis
The format of each daily file should contain only the workload-specific
data (see Figure 6).
You should now be able to run the Orca application and generate
your data. The -v flag will enable verbose logging on all
of the processing, which is useful when running Orca, especially
if it is the first time to run Orca:
./ORCA -v -once ../lib/workollator.cfg
After the Orca application has completed and has returned you to the
command prompt, navigate to the URL, which points to the Orca HTML
files that have been generated. Once you navigate to the URL specified
in your Web server configuration, you should see the index page shown
in Figure 7. By clicking on the CPU usage link at the bottom of the
index page, you should get the total CPU usage for each process as
shown in Figure 8.
An example of a process with high chld% percentages is our system
monitoring package, which executes a lot of shell scripts. See Figure
Before we get into the actual planning model and examples, you'll
need to be familiar with the various performance data values and
how and why they are important. For a quick introduction, please
see the "Performance Data Values" sidebar.
Workload Capacity Planning Model and Example
Now that we have shown how to get the workload data into a nice
format, let's finish up with the formula that can be used to scale
the capacity of a system.
The formula for workload-based capacity planning should be based
on the workollator data, because this shows how much of the CPU
is being used by the workload you are interested in rather than
a system total. The system total can be considered as overhead or
possible bottlenecks to the workload being scaled. Note that the
workload shows what the workload uses in (%usr time) and what the
system does to service the workload in (%sys time).
The formula used in the workload-based capacity planning model
to scale the workload capacity is:
Total Sizing = Overhead + (Workload * Factor)
Overhead is everything else that is not included in the workload
being modeled or Overhead = (Total - Workload). Factor is how much
the workload has changed by or scale.
Here is an example of HTTP Server Single Workload CPU Usage:
HTTP Web Server Workload is using 15% (10 %usr + 5 %sys)
OVERHEAD is 5% total usage
Growth Factor is 5
Total CPU Usage 80% = 5% + (15% * 5)
The estimated total CPU usage if our workload grew by 5 times
would be approximately 80%.
Here is an example of a Mixed Workload Oracle and HTTP Web server:
ORACLE Workload is using 45% (35 %usr + 10 %sys)
HTTP Web Server Workload is using 15% (10 %usr + 5 %sys)
OVERHEAD is 15% total usage
Total Usage = 75%
Growth Factor for BOTH is 2
Total CPU usage is 135% = 15% + (15% * 2) + (45% * 2)
Remember that if you are using a multithreaded application, you
can think of 100% per CPU. For the workload above, we would be running
a workload that demands 1.35 CPUs; or if this were a single CPU
server, you would need to look at purchasing some additional hardware.
The more traditional method for sizing is (Total Sizing = Total
* Factor). This is generally a less accurate formula because it
assumes that all resources on the system scale with the same factor,
which is not generally the case.
By using the SE Toolkit and Orca, you will quickly be able to
establish a visual representation of your Sun servers' behavior
and the applications that are installed. This will enable you to
see and communicate a clearer and more accurate picture regarding
the resource usage of all the applications. Finally, coupled with
some general points, you should be able to develop a high-level
understanding of the capacity of your system based on the current
workloads configured on your system. With a few workload-based formulas,
you can begin your capacity planning.
I extend special thanks to Adrian, who is a great guy to work
with and truly an expert in the field of capacity planning and performance
analysis. Thanks also to my wife and daughter who show continuous
support through their patience.
Justin Buhler is currently Senior UNIX Administrator, Schlumberger,
Major Event's division for the Athens 2004 Summer Olympics. His
previous projects include Salt Lake 2002 Winter Olympics. He can
be reached at: [email protected].
Adrian Cockroft is Chief Architect for High Performance Technical
Computing at Sun. The author of many books regarding performance
and tuning and capacity planning, most notably Sun Performance
and Tuning: SPARC and Solaris, published by Sun Microsystems
Press/PTR Prentice Hall. Adrian is also co-author of the SE