Listing 1: Sample default file that monitors the test packets sent every second between the Wireless KarlRouters to measure the Signal to Noise Ratio (SNR).
#Target Dictionary
Target --default--
router = %auto-target-name%
snmp-host = %router%
target-type = undef
# OID's we'll be using in this tree which are unique, and not needed
# in the other trees
OID wliPhyLowSnr
OID wliPhyGoodSnr
OID wliPhyExcellentSnr
#Datasource Dictionary
datasource --default--
rrd-ds-type = COUNTER
rrd-heartbeat = 1800
datasource wliPhyLowSnr
ds-source = snmp://%snmp%/wliPhyLowSnr
datasource wliPhyGoodSnr
ds-source = snmp://%snmp%/wliPhyGoodSnr
datasource wliPhyExcellentSnr
ds-source = snmp://%snmp%/wliPhyExcellentSnr
#TargetType Dictionary
targetType WirelessKarlRouter
ds = "wliPhyLowSnr, wliPhyGoodSnr, wliPhyExcellentSnr"
view = "SNR Levels: wliPhyLowSnr wliPhyGoodSnr liPhyExcellentSnr"
html short-desc Wireless KarlRouter
#Graph Dictionary
graph wliPhyLowSnr
units = "packets"
color = red
draw-as = AREA
y-axis = "Test Packets"
legend = "Low SNR"
graph wliPhyGoodSnr
units = "packets"
color = blue
legend = "Good SNR"
graph wliPhyExcellentSnr
units = "packets"
color = dark-green
legend = "Excellent SNR"