Cover V12, I10

contact.cfg Parameters

Contact configuration options include the following:

  • contact_name: Name of the user who will be contacted when a notifiable event occurs.
  • Alias: A longer name or perhaps a more descriptive name of the above.
  • service_notification_period: The time period during which notifications should occur for services, for this contact.
  • host_notification_period: The time period during which notifications will occur for host-based monitoring for this contact.
  • service_notification_options: Notify this contact when a service for which this contact is defined is in warning, unknown, critical, or in recovery state.
  • host_notification_options: Notify this contact when a host for which this contact is defined is in down, unreachable, or in recovery state.
  • service_notification_commands: The command to use for notification when a service goes into a notification state, (i.e., warning, unknown, critical, or recovery state).
  • host_notification_commands : The command to use for notification when a host goes in a notification state, (i.e., warning, unknown, critical, or recovery state).
  • email: Email address to use for notifying this contact.
  • pager: Pager address to use for notifying this contact.