Required Service Parameters
Nagios requires values for the following service parameters:
- host_name: The host on which this service is running.
- service_description: The name of the service on the monitored
- check_command: Nagios command to use to check the service.
In our example, Nagios plugin provides check_http command for
us to check the HTTP service.
- max_check_attempts: The number of times Nagios will retry to
check a service before sending a notification about the service
being in a state other than OK. In our example, Nagios will try
three times before sending out a notification.
- normal_check_interval: The number of time units to wait between
regular checks of the service. In our example, every three minutes
the service will be checked.
- retry_check_interval: The number of time units to wait before
scheduling a re-check of the service. When a service is in a non-OK
state, and max_check_attempts has not been reached, Nagios will
wait for the time period specified here before retrying the check.
In our example, this is set to one minute.
- check_period: Time period during which the checks are enabled,
24x7 for our example.
- notification_interval: The number of time units to wait before
re-notifying a contact about the service being non OK. Setting
this to a value of 0, as in our example, would cause Nagios to
send only one notification about the service being non OK.
- notification_period: The time period during which notifications
will occur.
- notification_options: Send notifications when the service is
in warning, unknown, critical, or recovery state.
- contact_groups: The name of the contact group to whom notifications
will be sent.
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